Our Projects

Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and University of Leeds
Following a proposal to expand the electrical system due to significant load growth, VPS was involved with the design, supply and commissioning of a new 33/11kV primary substation. A network model was also created using the DIGSILENT Power Factory software to simulate the network in its various construction phases and provide modelling data to the network operator, to ensure security of supplies through the many transition stages.
Comprehensive fault level and protection coordination reports of the final network arrangement were provided, for both the University and the Hospital.
Following the successful delivery of this project, VPS was engaged to convert existing 11kV network pilot-wire differential protection to a fibre-optic based system. This included all related fibre-optic termination works and the supply, installation and commissioning of 40 numerical feeder differential protection relays for the Hospital and University 11kV rings.
VPS was also awarded a further project to replace over 50 life-expired relays with modern numerical equivalents on the University network. We continue to provide installation and consultancy services to these valued clients.

Existing panel
Replacement panel